A small company needed human resources support periodically to address specific needs as they developed. Although the payroll and benefits programs were run by their accounting function, management realized the need for additional human resources expertise.
Strategies for Human Resources provided this support over time and now provides training and technical assistance to the internal Human Resources specialist.
The problem initially was a concern over an incident that could have been considered sexual harassment. Our first discussions explored the issues and the triggering incident. Working with the COO, SHR created a policy designed to encourage respect within the workplace and to prevent harassment and discrimination. The policy was communicated through the company. SHR provided training for all managers in preventing and dealing with harassment and discrimination.
Next, SHR reviewed an existing employee handbook and identified needed changes to reduce legal risk. Executive discussions led to new policies which were also incorporated.
Later, SHR provided advice during a department reorganization.
Various policies and practices related to paid time off were of concern and SHR provided alternatives and recommended communications for the final plan. An existing employee took on Human Resources responsibilities and worked with SHR to create a development plan for this new role.
The third year, SHR provided information and analysis on application of the Fair Labor Standards Act to various positions.
Today, SHR provides expertise as needed for technical issues and assists in the on-going development of the Human Resources specialist.